You can watch all sorts of weird, wacky and downright dangerous videos on social media, but one trend which has gained traction (to the despair of ear doctors everywhere), is the use of certain tools at home.
These tools, often referred to as ‘otoscopes’, are tiny cameras with a light and scraping tool attached. A traditional otoscope is a device used by healthcare professionals to shine a light into the ear to aid evaluation of the ear canal. The camera devices seem to be readily available online and claim to help you clean your ears. However, this is far from the truth. In fact, they could cause some serious damage.
The ears are self-cleaning organs and, generally ear wax clears out naturally by falling from the opening of the ear or washing away when you shower. So, you shouldn’t have to clean them manually. However, time and time again, people tend to reach for cotton buds.
As with putting anything inside your ear canals, you risk worsening any ear wax blockages you may have, by pushing existing wax deeper into the canal, increasing your risk of impacted ear wax.
Aside from this, the ear canal is very small and delicate and, generally, things like cotton buds and these scraping tools are too big to fit inside the ear canal. Forcing them inside risks damaging the delicate skin within your ear, making you vulnerable to infection. You even risk perforating your ear drum which can cause permanent damage to your hearing.
Tools should only ever be used by trained professionals in a medical environment, when you have a genuine need – such as a foreign body inside your ear or are receiving ear wax microsuction.
As mentioned, you shouldn’t have to clean your ears manually unless you suspect you have impacted wax. This presents as a ‘full’ feeling inside your ear, can dull your hearing, and may make you feel a little dizzy. If you’re experiencing this, the NHS recommends using olive oil to help naturally soften the wax by adding moisture. This then allows it to fall more easily from the ear. Otex Olive Oil uses medical grade olive oil to effectively help soften and break down your ear wax build up. You can also try Otex Express which uses urea hydrogen peroxide to help break down impacted wax in as little as 3-4 days. Using Otex Express can also reduce your need for microsuction.
If you’ve tried over-the-counter ear drops, and you’re still experiencing symptoms of impacted ear wax, it’s a good idea to speak to a GP for further guidance. They can recommend alternative treatments such as microsuction to help clear your build up. Equally, they can help you identify the cause of your symptoms if they’re not due to a build up of ear wax.
If you’re experiencing more severe symptoms, such as pain or itching, or are experiencing any discharge from your ears, you shouldn’t use ear drops and should seek medical advice in the first instance. You may be suffering from an ear infection.
If you hear ringing in your ears, or are hearing sounds that aren’t really there, you could be experiencing tinnitus. You shouldn’t use ear drops in this case, and you should speak to a GP.
If you’re seeing videos online of people cleaning their ears with scraping tools, steer clear of their recommendations, and save your delicate ears from potential damage. Ear wax is useful for your immune system, so you can relax and leave it alone unless you begin to experience the symptoms of ear wax build up – in which case, it’s best to turn to Otex.
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