Everything you need to know about microsuction

Microsuction is a modern solution to ear wax build up carried out by audiologists. It’s considered a very safe and effective way to remove impacted ear wax or foreign objects which have become stuck in the ear canal.

Who should have microsuction?

Microsuction cleans the ear without using any liquid or water. This means it’s a great option for people who can’t get water in their ears, such as those with an ear infection or perforated ear drum.

What to expect

Before the procedure, a nurse or doctor will assess the severity of your ear wax build up. They do this by using a tool called an otoscope. It may seem daunting, but you shouldn’t feel any pain or discomfort. It’s a good time to note that otoscopes should only ever be used by healthcare professionals and shouldn’t be used at home.

Once the extent of the blockage has been established, your doctor or nurse will use a tool a lot like a very gentle, very small vacuum cleaner. It sucks the impacted wax or foreign body out of your ear. The procedure itself is very quick and straightforward.

Does it hurt?

Microsuction can be very noisy, but you shouldn’t feel any pain. If you have a hard foreign body stuck inside your ear, it may feel uncomfortable, but your doctor or nurse will always tell you if this is going to be the case.

If you’re concerned about discomfort, it’s a good idea to use Otex Olive Oil for a few nights (up to 14) and the morning before your treatment. It helps soften the wax for an even gentler removal. The NHS suggest bringing the oil with you for the doctors to use on the day.

Is it expensive?

Microsuction is sometimes offered on the NHS when required, however you can look at private treatment for £60-£80.

What else can I use instead?

If you’re suffering from impacted ear wax, but don’t want microsuction, the Otex range offers you at-home treatment that can help clear hardened wax. You can try our natural, medical-grade Olive Oil ear drops or Otex Sodium Bicarbonate ear drops which are clinically recommended to soften and remove ear wax. Alternatively, clinically proven Otex Express works in 3-4 days to break down and help disperse ear wax blockages, reducing the need for microsuction.
